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Vision, Mission & Habits

To be a premier education destination of choice.

Propel Schools, based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is a not-for-profit federation of charter schools dedicated to the mission of catalyzing the transformation of public education so that all children have access to high-performing public schools.

Our Propel-wide habits clearly define how our school community works together to live out our mission and vision.

News & Announcements

scholars painting in a classroom
Principal's Message

Robert Powell
Principal, Propel Northside

1805 Buena Vista Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15212
Doors Open: 8 a.m. - Dismissal: 3:30 p.m.

At Propel Northside, our mission is to create and sustain a culture focused on academic excellence, continuous growth, and a positive school environment.

meet the leadership team

Important Arrival and Dismissal Information

This school year, our arrival and dismissal procedures are adjusted to meet the safety needs of our scholars. Our school is excited to introduce Pikmykid.

Learn more

Upcoming Events


Propel Northside opened in 2011 and serves scholars in grades K -8. Propel Northside is the eighth Propel School in the greater Pittsburgh area and the first Propel school located within the City of Pittsburgh.


Through an exciting partnership with Verizon, Propel Northside is one of ten schools in the nation to be home to a 5G Innovative Learning Lab. 


Propel Northside is designated as a community school. Propel Northside maintains an integrated focus on academics, health and social services, youth and community development, and community engagement through partnerships with other community resources.

Connect With Propel Schools

